Contact Us! +33 (0) 6-63-48-56-53

Terms and Conditions



Diving center – Sea and mountain leisure

Headquarters: 94, chemin du Peyron – 06640 SAINT JEANNET

Diving center: Port du Beal – Db du midi – Cannes

Tel: 06 61 24 03 81 / 06 63 48 56 53 / 04 92 11 00 34

SARL au capital de 3000€

SIRET: 793 364 993 00014 R.C.S. GRASSE

Etablissement d’APS déclaré chez Jeunesse & Sport (DDCS Numéro 006ORG0506)


RCPro Activités Sportives 2025:

RCP Activites Nature essentielle HV ASSURANCE FRANCE souscrit par l’Association Professionnelle Sport et Outdoor (APSO), sous le numéro FR11- RCE22P00010 qui a pris effet le 01/01/2022.

– All forms of hiking and trail running (including orienteering, trail running, mountain guiding, pack animal hiking, Nordic walking, snowshoeing, longe côte)
– Underwater diving (including underwater scooters)
– Working at heights  – Working at heights without explosives

General terms and conditions of sale:

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to all reservations made with Nature Essentielle.


All requests are subject to an estimate.A reservation will be firm on receipt of a confirmation of the quotation and a deposit.


A pro forma invoice is sent to the customer on receipt of acceptance of the quote and payment terms. The final invoice is sent the day after the event, and includes any supplements ordered during the event.

Terms of payment:

For all services (except for children’s courses & stays), 30% of the total amount must be paid to NATURE ESSENTIELLE at the time of booking, and the balance on the day of the event, unless otherwise agreed. Additional orders mentioned on the final invoice are also paid on the day of the service.

For Kids courses & stays, 30% of the total amount must be paid to NATURE ESSENTIELLE at the time of booking and the balance 1 month before the start of the course, unless otherwise agreed. Additional orders mentioned on the final invoice are paid on the day of the course.

Cancellation conditions for the customer:

  • More than one month before the event: full refund by cheque of the deposit paid at the time of order.
  • Between one month and 15 days before the event: 100% of the deposit is billed to the customer.
  • Less than 15 days before the event: 70% of the event is billed to the customer.
  • Less than 7 days before the event: Nature Essentielle invoices the customer for the full amount of the event.

Nature Essentielle cancellation policy:

In the event of bad weather or any other event that Nature Essentielle deems likely to affect the safety of the service, the service will be cancelled and reimbursed. More generally, any cancellation at Nature Essentielle’s initiative will result in reimbursement of the service



Nature Essentielle reserves the right to refuse to take charge of a child if his or her behavior is incompatible with the day’s activities, or if the child behaves in an anti-social manner.


Except in cases of force majeure, families are required to pick up and drop off their children at the agreed time. In the event of force majeure, parents must inform Nature Essentielle of their lateness. In the event of repeated lateness on the part of parents, children may be temporarily excluded. Children are handed over directly to parents or to persons designated by them in writing.


In the event of a dispute between the Customer and the company, the latter will endeavor to resolve it amicably (the Customer will send a written complaint to the professional or, where applicable, to the professional’s Customer Relations Department).
In the absence of an amicable agreement, or in the absence of a response from the professional within a reasonable period of one (1) month, the consumer Customer within the meaning of article L.133-4 of the French Consumer Code may, if a disagreement remains, refer the matter free of charge to the competent mediator registered on the list of mediators drawn up by the Commission d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation in application of article L.615-1 of the French Consumer Code, namely :

La Société Médiation Professionnelle
24 rue Albert de Mun – 33000 Bordeaux


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SAS au capital de 10 000 000 €
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In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you (art. 34 of the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978). You can exercise this right at any time by contacting us at the following e-mail, or by sending us a letter to the following address: NATURE ESSENTIELLE – 94 chemin du Peyron – 06640 SAINT JEANNET – FRANCE


All the elements featured on our site are protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any reproduction or imitation, in whole or in part, without our express prior written consent, is prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to collect and use the information available on the site for commercial purposes.

This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, all editorial elements on the site, screen layouts, operating software, logos, images, photos and graphics of any kind.


The purpose of this site is to present NATURE ESSENTIELLE, whose owner assumes sole responsibility for the information and services provided. Prices are given as an indication only.

In accordance with jurisprudence, the publisher cannot be held responsible for any involuntary errors or omissions.

The publisher reserves the right to modify the information at any time, in particular by updating this site. The publisher declines all responsibility for any unauthorized use of the information provided on this site.