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High Quality Whale-Watching – Ambassadeur Pelagos

NATURE ESSENTIELLE was awarded the HQWW label in 2017. This label is renewed every year with an assessment visit.

The High Quality Whale-Watching® label was created to support whale-watching professionals who want their outings to be recognized as respectful of the animals and their environment.

« This is the only government certification that guarantees respectful whale and dolphin watching in the Mediterranean.

It is a registered trademark of ACCOBAMS (Agreement for the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area), developed jointly with the Pelagos Sanctuary.


  • To monitor a booming tourist activity;
  • To support volunteer operators;
  • Protect whale populations near our coasts;
  • Combine respect for the environment and the local economy.

·  A naturalistic approach:
Because cetaceans live in such a vast environment, we can’t guarantee their presence on every excursion. That’s why our labelled excursions do not focus exclusively on dolphin and whale watching. Nature Essentielle is also committed to helping you discover the full range of marine biodiversity: seabirds, fish, turtles, etc.

Respect for a code of conduct:
The label guarantees you an approach to dolphins and whales that respects the code of conduct for cetacean watching in the Mediterranean, established by the Pelagos and ACCOBAMS agreements.

An educational approach:
Throughout your excursion, Nature Essentielle will provide you with educational information acquired during training sessions organised by the Souffleurs d’Ecume association, which is responsible for awarding the label in the French Mediterranean.

Waste sorting:
As part of our ethic of responsibility, we are committed to the selective collection of waste on board our boats.

DO NOT swim with whales:
This service is of particular concern to the scientific community, both for reasons of disturbance to the animals and for the safety of tourists who are put in the water close to wild predators. These marine mammals have already had the opportunity to remind dozens of over-enthusiastic swimmers that they are not cuddly toys! Out of concern for your safety and the animals’ tranquillity, approved operators will not offer you the chance to dive near a dolphin or whale.

NO aerial support:
Used to spot whales and dolphins, it is also a source of concern. The Groupement d’Intérêt Scientifique pour les Mammifères Marins de Méditerranée (GIS3M) considers this practice to be incompatible with an activity of high environmental quality, as it is likely to increase the pressure on the animals.


The main points of the Code of Conduct for marine mammal watching:

  • The viewing distance is greater than 100m
  • Only one boat is allowed in the 100-300m zone
  • The boat must approach from the side, stern to bow.
  • The speed must be regular, limited to 5 knots, in line with the slowest animal.
  • The observation time for an individual or group is limited to 30 minutes.
  • If newborn calves are present, the observation time must be shortened.
  • It is forbidden to bathe, touch or feed cetaceans.
  • Observation must be interrupted if there is any sign of disturbance by the animals.