The Valley of Wonders… Why it is regulated ❓
Since the beginning of time, people have tried to leave a trace of their passage along the path of life…
The first signs of settlement in this area date from the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Early Bronze Age.
The most famous cave paintings, such as those at Lascaux, are masterful and untouched by visitors.
On the contrary, the wonders are scattered over a vast area around Mont Bégo, near the commune of Tende and the border with Italy.
We’re talking about more than 40,000 engravings, in a wild area at an altitude of more than 2,000 metres and covering an area of more than 4,000 hectares!
It’s a real open-air museum in the heart of the Mercantour National Park.
It is possible to cross the site on the GR51, but only a few of the engravings can be seen.
To protect this heritage, the Ministry of Culture has restricted access and even had the famous Roche du chef de tribu (Chief’s Rock) removed by helicopter (it is now on display at the Tende Museum).
⛔️L Access to the archaeological zone is therefore guarded and forbidden to anyone not accompanied by a sworn guide.
It takes a trained eye to make out the first engravings, but you’ll soon be hooked on the game of searching and discovering these ancient signs.
Today, these petroglyphs are considered to be symbols or even pictograms: each engraving or deliberate combination of engravings is considered to be a symbol.