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Who are the supervisors?

You do sports with us

You entrust us with your children

This is a legitimate question.

Did you know that in France, the supervision of sports activities is strictly regulated?

You’re either in a voluntary federal framework and your unpaid supervisors have federal diplomas such as initiator or instructor. These qualifications are relatively easy to obtain

Or you can use our professional NATURE ESSENTIELLE structure, where all instructors have a state diploma.

It’s easy for you, the customer, the parent, etc… to check with just one click that the person who is going to teach you has the necessary qualifications.…/RechercherEducateur…

Your advantage here:

  • Make sure the supervisor is competent
  • A Pro Card means a clean record
  • Safety first

All Nature Essentielle instructors are professionals in the world of sport and specialists in their discipline.

As sports professionals, the law does not oblige us to go further…

However, at Nature Essentielle, we’ve taken on a new role when it comes to looking after your children: that of Accueil Collectif de Mineur (ACM).

This is a structure

  • regulated
  • registered with
  • controle by the DSDEN (Directions des Services Départementaux de l’Éducation Nationale).

We work hand in hand with the public services and maintain high standards in the selection of our staff.

No professional should refuse to show you their legal documents:

  • professional card
  • Insurance certificate
  • Declaration of training course / Stay for the reception of minors with overnight stay

You now know eveything ! 💡