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Sorties en Mer, en soirée


"Alone we go faster, together we go further" could be the motto of this course.

Sharing, laughing, respect, tolerance, surpassing oneself...


Quitter son confort familial étant déjà en soi une belle épreuve, que dire si on y ajoutait un peu de challenge ?


This is a "backpacking" trip with unusual bivouac sites, river trips and unique swimming in pristine wilderness.


With family or friends, set sail and forget the hustle and bustle of the seaside for a magical evening on the water in the Bay of Cannes: pétanque, aperitif, night snorkelling and fireworks


From the age of 8, discover the basics of diving in a fun and educational way.

From the age of 10, start your PADI junior diving course!


It's a journey through time and space with no wifi or 4G!

It's a journey on foot through wild, unspoilt nature.


Séjour Ado 5 jours / 4 nuits en Gite au coeur du Queyras - Pilote ton attelage de chiens de traineau, construit un igloo, devient un véritable trappeur! Là-bas, ni wifi, ni 4G...